
What is SEO Positioning in Digital Marketing?

Eric Ramirez

Do you have an online store, a business, or a company with an internet presence? So undoubtedly, you have already heard about how important it is to get a website to occupy the best positions in internet search engines. 

If your business does not yet have an online presence, I suggest you first read this article, where I give you the data for which you must digitize your urgent business. Then come back here, so you know the competitive advantages of positioning web optimizing it at the SEO level. 

Getting a website to rank well in Google is critical for online business. And I don’t just mean the shops that make sales online currently; all kinds of companies, whether physical stores or personalized services, must have an online presence to reach more people; and to be visible on the internet, they should appear on the first page of Google; Internet users rarely go to the second page to find what they are looking for. So the goal of SEO can be summarized in: Get a website to get the best ranking on Google. 

Why is good web positioning so important? – The better position will get greater visibility, which translates into more visits and, therefore, more customers for your product or service. Do you like this, would you like to have more customers? Keep reading!

No matter your offer, sell what you sell; you don’t have to be a marketing expert. But you should know why SEO in digital marketing is essential to increase your business’s sales. That’s why I prepared this article for you. 

What is SEO positioning in digital marketing?

Search engine optimization is what we always find on the internet when we look for the meaning of (SEO), and yes, the acronym refers to optimization for search engines. But if you don’t know anything about marketing, with this explanation, you don’t know anything. And is that usually experts in SEO or marketing that write about it use a technical language in a way that seems to be more complicated than it is. 

But as I write this article thinking of you, you who have a clothing store, an electronic repair shop, you who are a plumber or locksmith, For you that you have a gym or a Spa. So if you don’t have time or want to get entangled with so many marketing technical words, I explain this in the most precise way: SEO. 

We will only talk about Google because it is the best known and the most used search engine; if you want to know more about it, read this article: Search engines.

Let’s get to the point: I’ll start by telling you that there are two ways to promote your business on the internet: paid advertising (you pay to be visible) and organic positioning (SEO). 

 Today, most people look for everything they want on Google and care, not only shopping online. People also search online for local (physical) businesses. For example, Someone wants to go out to eat at a restaurant but has not yet decided what anger, that person enters Google from his phone or the computer and writes things like Restaurants near me, or if you already know the type of food you want writes Italian restaurant near me, or in the city you are. In this type of search, those words that people type in the search engine are defined as keywords, and in turn, these are the ones that Google uses to show the user the results it expects. 

How does SEO positioning work?

There is a mathematical formula called search algorithms that uses the search engine (Google) to position the results page (SERPs) about the keywords a user uses when making their query in this search engine.

The algorithm of Google, and all the search engines, constantly changes. For that reason, SEO specialists follow it very closely to define every moment which would be the most suitable web positioning strategy.

But SEO is not only this; for your website to position itself organically in Google, it is necessary to run a set of techniques, inside and outside the web, to respond favorably to users’ queries in Google. These techniques are called SEO On-page (inside page) and SEO off-page (outside page). The better you optimize with these techniques, the higher your website will appear in Google search results. 

With this explanation I’ve given you, you can already leave and say that you already know SEO. But if you want to know a little more in-depth, I’ll keep writing. 

Internet visibility 

You should be clear that if your website is not in the top positions of Google, it is as if it did not exist. For a website to be visible, it must be among Google’s top 10 results. It has been proven that only 5% of users who search go to the second page of Google; with this data, you can assume that the third page does not reach anyone. 

To get your website to appear in the top positions of the SERPs (Search Engine Results Page), it is necessary to create organized positioning strategies, combining several techniques. 

To talk about “visibility,” your website will have to be on the first page or, what is the same, among the top 10 results of Google, as it is proven that only 5% of users go to the second page of Google when they perform a search.

As you see, search engine optimization is one of the essential areas in the world of digital marketing, and a good SEO strategy will combine this with other techniques such as email marketing, content marketing, web analytics, SEM, social media presence, or marketing automation also called marketing automation.

How does a website rank?

Now that you know what SEO or web positioning means and how important digital marketing is when generating visibility, you’ll be wondering how you can start positioning your website.

The first thing to do is to understand how search engines work or, to simplify, how Google works.

The Google algorithm has the maximum satisfaction for the user who performs the search. This way, the trend will always be to show you higher-quality content. To rate content, Google takes into account many and varied factors. One of the most important and decisive is The popularity of the website according to the number of its incoming links, the location and frequency of keywords, and the geolocation of the search by users, among others.

To index content, that is, to include it in your search results, Google uses so-called bots that crawl the millions of web pages and then add them to an index. If your website is not included in this Google index, it cannot be displayed to users. To get it to be, you have to provide your bot that can track and include it in that index.

When your website is indexed, something you can check in Google Search Console, it’s time to get to work to improve your website’s SEO ranking and make it appear as high as possible. 

Web Optimization Techniques

The time it takes to rank a website on Google depends on several factors that fall into two large groups:

• SEO Techniques On Page

• SEO Techniques Off-Page

SEO Techniques On Page SEO Techniques

On-Page SEO encompasses all those optimizations you can make within your website to improve your web positioning (also called organic positioning), helping Google index your content as quickly as possible.

Obviously, the easier you make it to the search engine, the better. To achieve this, a work of internal technical optimizations must be performed within the website.

Here are the optimization techniques to achieve good On-Page SEO

Keywords: Using keywords or keywords is essential to achieving good web positioning, but you should not lose your head and write just thinking about Google. Don’t abuse them or force them in. Think that the recipient of your content is a flesh and blood person like you; this often gets to bother users.

Putting keywords left and right can work in a short-term way, but what is interesting is to position long-term content; therefore, we advise you to use synonyms and secondary keywords.

But surely you’re wondering how to choose the keywords? For that, performing good keyword research or searching for keywords through specific tools, such as Semrush, Ubersuggest, and Google planner, is essential.

Tags and Meta tags: Web pages are written with HTML and CSS source code, although the user sees them decoded thanks to the browser. So, for example, if you press CTRL+U in Google Chrome, you can see that code.

To tell the browser how to interpret code snippets, tags are used. These are also used by Google when assessing the importance of content and positioning it. Therefore, you can improve your web positioning if you optimize these tags.

If you look at any search result, you will see that it shows the title, the URL, and below it, a meta description. Therefore, you must take care of these three elements.

Title: Thanks to the title, Google will interpret the theme of your website and especially the response to the search intention by users. That’s why you need to ensure that it includes the main keyword and that it turns out to be an attractive title that attracts users’ attention.

Also, make sure it is not too long. Otherwise, it will be cut; it is recommended that the title has between 30 and 65 characters.

Url: As for the URL, as a general rule, you should avoid including stop words, i.e., prepositions, tildes, or unnecessary characters, and try to include the category to which the page belongs so that its content is easily identifiable.

It is also convenient for you to use the middle hyphens to separate the words.

Meta description: Finally, the meta description works as a summary of the content you are offering, so you should synthesize this as best as possible, and at the same time, you have to arouse the interest of the user, for example, including a CTA (Call to Action / Call to Action)

The images: Google also tracks images, so you should assign relevant names that include the content’s keyword, separating them with hyphens.

It is also essential to take into account the weight of the image. Otherwise, it will negatively influence the speed of loading your website and the positioning; it is recommended that the images not weigh more than 100 KB.

Internal links: Internal links count when positioning your website. Therefore, it’s essential to use keywords and be consistent.

Adding internal links, also called Linkjuicing, is essential only when relevant to the content you’re dealing with. It is also vital to ensure that they work correctly and that there are no internal redirects or broken links because this would only harm organic positioning. 

 External Links: These links are what you direct to websites outside your own, thus improving the reader’s experience.

As we mentioned for internal links, when performing external linking, you should also have common sense and link only to relevant pages to complete the user experience.

Web structure: When planning the structure of your website, put yourself in the users’ shoes. How is it more likely that they will interact with it and become leads?

Don’t overwhelm him with too much information; think less is more. A simple, well-connected website is a winning formula.

The importance of “mobile searches.”

The use of mobile phones for searches is increasing, so it is essential that your website is optimized for mobile and can be viewed without problems from a smartphone and that it loads quickly.

On the next page, you can check if a URL is optimized for mobile or not: Mobile Optimization Test.

Techniques of SEO Off-Page

Just as On-Page SEO optimization is entirely up to you, it’s not the same with Off-Page SEO techniques. This refers to those elements that occur outside your website and over which you have less control.

To get a better ranking, you must combine both types of SEO. Off-Page SEO won’t work if it’s not backed by good On-Page SEO.

The most important off-page SEO strategy is the following:

 The link building: This term refers to the strategy focused on increasing inbound links or backlinks, i.e., links from other websites that point to yours.

The exciting thing is that you link quality websites relevant to your topic. To achieve this, you can make a strategic link exchange with another website or comment on related blogs and point the link to your website.

Link building increases the authority of your website. The more quality inbound links you have, the more Google will consider you more relevant in your industry and increase visibility and organic traffic to your website.

Combine SEO strategy with paid campaigns 

SEM or Search Engine Marketing refers to paid campaigns in search engines to get coverage, more traffic to the web, leads, or conversions. 

While SEO focuses on getting visibility organically or naturally, SEM focuses on paid ads for greater visibility.

In payment strategies, a certain amount is paid each time the user clicks on the ad. This payment model is called PPC (pay per click) 

In contrast, SEO does not pay for every user click, but there is more internal and external optimization work to position itself in Google’s first results.

When to complement a payment strategy with web positioning? 

There is no single answer to the question of when to complement both strategies. For example, if you’re launching a website and need traffic, starting with a paid search engine (search engine advertising) campaign is best.

If you have a specific promotion that lasts a short time, some PPC strategy is also recommended to publicize it. You’ll see that with SEM campaigns, you’ll quickly appear in the top positions. However, it is essential to note that this visibility disappears when it stops the campaign.

Your visibility will be enhanced if you continue working on SEO simultaneously. SEO and SEM are two very different digital marketing strategies, but using them together will help optimize your results.

How to implement an SEO strategy?

You can start building your SEO strategy by knowing the most important SEO terms. In short, the four fundamental pillars are:

• SEO analysis of the current situation of your website

• SEO Optimizations On Page

• Off-page SEO implementations

• Paid campaigns to strengthen online positioning, especially when a project is in the initial phase. 

It would help if you also considered the importance of voice searches for mobile, which is increasingly essential to implement in a web positioning strategy.

How can an SEO agency help you?

Now that you know what SEO is and that it presents some complexity and, above all, requires being very aware of all the news that Google is introducing in its algorithm, it may be convenient to leave this task in the hands of professionals. What is valid one day the next is likely to be obsolete. 

We have to keep in mind that the work of SEO is continuous and dynamic. It doesn’t help to optimize a page and then forget about it. You must continuously maximize the content of all your web pages.

It is a task that is usually thankless because overnight, you can go from being in the first position to the second page of the search engine, and only because Google modified its algorithm is why SEO projects should be monitored daily.

In an SEO agency, you have a specialized team and sophisticated tools such as specific software such as Semrush to analyze keywords, competitors, and trends. They also integrate SEO optimization into a joint vision with your digital marketing strategy.

Are you looking for SEO and digital marketing specialists? 

¡You have found it! CONERIC.COM has various digital marketing services, we are specialists in web positioning, and we have the most advanced tools, such as Semrush and Screamingfrog.

Before performing an SEO strategy, we perform an SEO audit of your website and a Keyword Research or Keyword Study to analyze how the company is doing and assess which aspects of SEO would need to be improved to gain visibility. We have worked with clients and companies, as SEO applies to any business with an online presence. 

At CONERIC, you have all the necessary guarantees; we have the latest technology and are constantly updated with the latest trends. Would your prospects like to find you and appear in Google’s top results? ¡ Then don’t wait any longer and get in touch CONERIC!  

About the author

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