Digital platforms are all those websites that store information about a company and through which users can access personal accounts and details about the company. Digital platforms are run by programs or applications whose content is executable in specific operating systems: visual content, text, audio, videos, simulations, etc.
Digital platforms have become an important communication channel for companies and institutions since it allows them to reach an unlimited number of users simultaneously, speeding up response times, modernizing processes to make them more user-friendly, and maximizing the productivity of their human resources.
The current need to meet the demand for information and consultation by users has made digital platforms an almost indispensable means for companies, entities, institutions, organizations, networks, etc. Through digital media, the administrator can manage and control the content and create database systems that allow the user to access personal data stored on that platform. For example, when you use your username and password to enter the bank, you are using the bank’s digital platform, on which your personal information is stored and which is encrypted so that only you can enter.
Digital platforms – what are they for?
Digital platforms provide users with diversified content that allows them to obtain the information they are looking for. In addition, they facilitate the execution of multiple tasks simultaneously, even if thousands of users are connected to the same platform doing the same operation.
There are different types of digital platforms, and each one has specific functions:
Another function of digital platforms is to make it easier for companies to manage and distribute information without the need for a large team, thus reducing the margin of error and customer service costs.
- Digital educational platforms: These are those whose main objective is to provide valuable research information and study and analysis tools. Many simulate the school or university environment to provide distance education—examples: e-College, Blackboard, Moodle.
- Social platforms: We know them better as social networks, and they are those that facilitate communication between people, regardless of the distance that separates them. Examples: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp.
- Audiovisual platforms: Their content focuses on videos and audios of different categories. Examples: Youtube, Vimeo.
- E-commerce platforms: Better known as e-commerce, with virtual stores for buying and selling items. Examples: Free Market, Amazon, eBay.
- Trading platforms: So-called brokers, intermediaries between investors and the stock exchange, are platforms used for trading in the world’s stock markets. Examples: XTB, Plus500, ICMarkets, eToro, XM.
- Image platforms: On these platforms, the content is based on image collections, with and without copyright. Examples: Pinterest, Pixabay, Pixels.
- Banking platforms: All banks have media that contain information about their products and services, channels of attention, and access to the personal accounts of their customers. Examples, Bancolombia, BBVA Colombia, Banco de Bogotá, Banco Popular.
- Technological platforms: They are platforms that satisfy a particular need of a sector of the population, for example, those that serve to manage web content, video or image editing pages, digital marketing platforms, language translation, etc. Examples: Hostgator, Creative Panda, Go Daddy, Google Translator.
- Payment platforms function as economic administrators through which you can send and receive money. Example: Payoneer, Payza, PayPal, Skill, Neteller.
- News platforms: These are pages specialized in offering current news, such as printed newspapers. Example: The Speculator, The Time, The Herald, The Republic.
- Game platforms: They are platforms for online players who can play alone or on multiplatform with other players. Examples: RuneScape, World of Warkraft, Star Trek Online, EVE Online.
- Localization platforms: These help you get addresses from anywhere in the world. Examples: Google Eart and Google Maps.
Knowing what digital platforms are and what they’re for will help you better understand the intricate world of the internet and the content you can find online to meet your needs. They offer multiple advantages, including access to information from any site with an internet connection and the management and administration of personal information through its databases. In addition, it allows companies to reach more people simultaneously without delays or waiting for users.